Monday, June 8, 2015

Junebug is almost ONE!

Invitations have been sent and decorations have been bought. Dakota's first birthday is right around the corner! I cannot say I am surprised how fast this first year flew by, because everyone warned us that it would. Day by day, her "new" milestones slowly replace the old ones and I can barely remember what it was like to hold her when she had no neck control. It seems like that was ages ago. 

Dakota can now feed herself with a fork and spoon. Last night she picked up my cup and took a drink out of it. Even though she got herself a little wet, Dirk and I both looked at each other thinking, "Did that just happen?"

Junebug is getting her front two teeth in, and has the cutest curls behind her ears and at the nape of her neck. I also love the cowlick at the back of her head. Here eyes are a beautiful soft brown color, and her smile kills me! For once, she is fitting into her actual size and growing out of clothes that should have fit months ago. It's cute to see her tummy in her swimsuits. Proof that she is eating more! We are still breastfeeding, but I'm not sure how much longer we will be. She seems to be adjusting to whole milk pretty well.

We are working on animal sounds, and Dakota loves to woof and moo! Of course she learned "dada" early on, but she also can say dog and duck and book and go! They all sound pretty similar though, ha. She is also a huge fan of waving, especially at objects around the house. In the morning, we wave at the animals on her walls, and at the portraits of Kerby and Louie. She waves to Louie and then to me or Dirk. I have seen her wave at her breakfast. It's hysterical, but a sure sign she is going to be quite a social little butterfly.

She is on her feet and walking with the assistance of her walker or anything she can hold on to. It will not be much longer until she is walking on her own.

I am continuously amazed at what she learns and imitates from Dirk and I. Tonight before bed, I was brushing her wet hair, and she grabs the brush from my hand and starts to brush it herself. I see these glimpses of her where I am starting to realize just how grown up she is already! 

I love how much fun we have as a family. Dirk and I created a list of Doud Summer To-Dos. We got to cross our first one off today. We took Dakota to ride the Zilker Zephyr at Zilker Park. The train wound around Barton Creek and even went under a bridge! It was pretty hot outside, so I'm not sure how much she enjoyed it. Before we rode the train though, she got to have her first ice cream cone and that might have been the highlight for Dakota. That and all the fun dogs that were out playing in the park. We even saw a Golden Doodle, which is the dog we'd like to have as our next family pet. We finished off the afternoon at the Tanglewood Forest pool with our neighbors that have twin girls Dakota's age. 

While I cannot wait to see what next year holds for us, I am soaking up each moment I can. Bedtimes are sweet, because I can hold my little girl and rock her to sleep. When she falls asleep in my arms, I remember her first few weeks home when she slept so much. When Dakota turns one, I will be over the moon that she has reached the next milestone, and be so grateful for the first 12 months of so many sweet memories.

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